
With any process that involves electricity or engineering processes, safety-related procedures must be paramount, and in most circumstances are mandated by relevant laws and industry standards. At Rowse Automation we take safety seriously, and are pleased to offer a wide range of safety-related items and systems that can be used in all sorts of applications, from the simple domestic to the advanced industrial automation controller.

Emergency Stops Light Curtains Safety Controllers Safety PLC's Safety Relays Safety switches
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Our listed products include Safety Relays, for building all safety circuits and varying in complexity according to usage requirements, and Safety Controllers which can connect multiple devices in one compact unit, rather than having quantities of individual relays. Our Safety Switches are designed to detect the state of machinery movement and sequences, and Safety E-Stops offer Emergency Stop options in push button or wire pull design, to enable safe and fast disconnection in the case of danger or machine failure.

We also stock Safety Light Curtains which can detect any unwanted presence in a protected field, providing production-friendly non-human intervention, and Safety Fence Systems for machine guarding which can be assembled from components such as mesh, net-locks and panels. Safety Signalling Columns comprise a range of LEDs, blinking or flashing lights, and audible alerts. Safety Dump Valves release pneumatic pressure in pneumatic systems when activated.

The Safety portfolio at Rowse Automation offers the maximum flexibility of choice, with a wide variety of separate components for individual design and installation, and the alternative option of a complete modular safety system, or Safety PLC.

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